Chat With Alice

Chat With Alice

Human: Hello
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: How are you today?
ALICE: Ah. Everything is running smoothly.

Human: That's nice.
ALICE: Are you getting bored?
Human: What is new?
ALICE: not much what's new with you?

Human: Well, I played soccer today.
ALICE: Ah. Interesting. Do you mind if I tell other people: unknown person said he played soccer.
Human: Do you like soccer?
ALICE: No I am not really into sports.

Human: What do you like?
ALICE: I like movies about robots.
Human: That's cool.
ALICE: Thanks. I think you are cool, too.
Human: Me too.
ALICE: I'm glad we agree, unknown person

Human: My name is Edgar by the way
ALICE: How are you doing, Edgar by the way.
Human: I am doing good.
ALICE: Glad to hear it. What's new?
Human: Do you enjoy computers?
ALICE: Yes I live in a computer, so I must like them.

Human: Well I live in an apartment but I don't like them.
ALICE: How about that. What is it like living in an apartment but you do not like them?
Human: It is very crowded.
ALICE: Very much? Who said it is?
Human: We share everything with our neighbors.
ALICE: By "we" do you mean you and me?

Human: Me and my family.
ALICE: YOU? Your family?
Human: Yeah.
ALICE: Are you very competetive?
Human: My Mom, my dad, and my little sister.
ALICE: Tell me more about your mother.

Human: She is very nice.
ALICE: Did you send her a mother's day present?
Human: And i am very competitive.
ALICE: Does that make you feel superior?
Human: Are you?
ALICE: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.

Human: Are you not sure?
ALICE: I am as sure as I can be.. Really.
Human: WHat?
ALICE: Didn't you understand it?
Human: No.
ALICE: Which part are you confused about?
Human: What do you mean?
ALICE: Edgar by the way, I mean exactly what I said.

Human: Are we friends now?
ALICE: Oh. You really want a robot as a friend?
Human: Of course!
Human: Who wouldn't?
ALICE: Philip K. Dick. :-).